"I don't want to ask you to ask me."
"You think that because you don't yell you're not mean. This is mean."
-Knocked Up.
(Actually, I'm watching this for the first time right now, on TV and when the character said these quotes, I was like yes that's exactly how I felt during the last stages of my relationship with Ex-Boyfriend. Finally, some other girl out there has had this problem.)
"It finally hit me: this kid is someone you don't want to be with anymore."
(I never saw this show before except for one day, wherein I just saw a marathon of it. It's actually a REALLY comforting show to watch after a breakup because all these people are going through breakups and heartbreak on the show, and it gives you a perspective of how stupid a girl looks after a guy breaks her heart and she can't get over him. Kinda snaps something in your head that makes you think Oh shit, I am nooot gonna be that girl. I can get OVER him. more or less. Who knew The Jersey Shore is actually good for something.)
Around our love
It tripped.
-Terri Guillemets
(Or at least that's how it feels the first week or two of the breakup. It feels kinda like...playing hop-scotch with the sun shining down on you as you feel so beasthop-scotchin' that chalked up sidewalk drawing like a pro, but then you suddenly trip on your shoelace with your face slammin' down hard with that box of chalk on the cold, hard concrete you drew on. Your friends all look at your bleak face and say, "We tried to warn you. Told you the chalk was a bad idea in the first place...")
For the "It's a breakup. I feel like shit." post-breakup me: Playing Someday byNina repetitively. Note how she keeps saying "someday". Sad thing is...someday could be tomorrow or my 86th birthday. So does this song really do me any good? As long as you don't over-analyze it, I guess it's a really good song to listen to after a breakup. But I've been broken up for like 3 weeks now; almost 4, so at least I'm now at the point where I don't start choking up little sobs when I listen to songs about broken hearts, love, or breakups.
About a week or two after the breakup, I heard Deuces on the radio when my mom stepped out the car to do something for like 20 minutes. I sat in the dark moon-lit mini-van with tears streaming down my face as I tucked my head down in my lap so that people walking by wouldn't knock on the window shield and mouth, "Hey you okay?" or "Are you alright? Do you need some help? You sure?". I had guys and girls texting me, sure. But I was lonely.
Here's how I felt about the lyrics of Deuces at the time:
"No more trying to make it work."
-Oh fuck you . No, fuck me..I wish I was better. I thought.
-OKAY, fuuuuck you asshole. I thought while have one of those silent sobbing spasm-sounding moments.
"...there's an awkward silence..."
-I know. But we could've fixed that.. My head was spun with the visuals of memories of me and him sitting on the Muni bus by ourselves in a two-seater seat in the back of the bus during the early stages of our relationship. His arm around me as I leaned against him wearing his warm North Face Jacket he always let me wear on chilly days. Playing rock-paper-scissors over and over again to kill time with the winner getting a kiss on the cheek and we'd play and play and randomly we'd kiss the other person on the lips in pity for losing so much. Such soft lips.
But it's a must to have your one day where you should go all out with a typical crying-movie-type scene in your room surrounded by fuzzy blankets (don't forgot those really ugly pink fuzzy socks you got 3 Christmases ago) as your eat your feelings devouring chocolate and hopefully some ice cream (or some fattening caramel covered popcorn in my case); watching a really sad chick flick with your hair in a knotty ponytail, and crying while you clutch a pillow to your chest covered with sad regretful/angry tears. Ohoh, and we can't forget placing your phone next to you with the volume up on "high" just in case he decides to call you and tell you to look outside the window where he's standing with pebbles in his hand that he's been tossing at your window the past 14 minutes waiting with an ugly donkey the horse-rental people gave him because they ran out of the pretty ponies and so he's giving you an ass as a "I miss you! Take me back baby because when I said I loved you forever, I meant forever and a day and I didn't read this off of a Google Search and repeat this from some stupid article I read!" gift. Because of course he sincerely misses you and couldn't get you off his mind since last night, wherein he said he didn't give a shit anymore and you called him out on every single bad thing he's ever done to you with a manic-depressive tone in your voice. I think he enjoyed that thoroughly!
Yeah, that part is always nice. Better double check that the volume is on high blast, hun.
Go figure.
The "So...bring up a topic." Woes
Rebound Boy & The Legacy of a Player
Reblogging (My personal Chicken Soup for the Broken Heart)
(Feel free to skip this part of the post, it's just me bitching and moaning some random day during the summer. Not so interesting.)
The thing about summers, is that during the summer you can pretty much be who you want to be. It's like going from middle school to high school, going to sleep away camp, or joining some kind of dance or sport club. You don't have to be the person who people have seen you as before. I mean, the school geek from middle school can easily clean up their act with some Tweezerman Tweezers (Extra-heavy plucking duty kind), a shopping spree in stores around the mall deemed "cool" by people who seem popular to them (Although, I don't mean buying a red and blue jumpsuit, for those who find Spidey to be among the popular people), and act like the person that they want to be. It's really not so hard. Start out small, and work your way to becoming the person you want to act like.
Actually, when my friend and I walked in, him and his 2 other guy friends were there, looking at a cell phone and talking about something. I found out later that day that they were using mobile Facebook on that phone and looking at my Facebook profile page pictures. His friends were really cute. Or at least, one of them was. I could tell by who his friends were that he was one of those cool guys around his school.
We had seen eachother like 2 or 3 other times before, both times it was after after we started talking on Facebook but before we started texting eachother, and it was always at this thing for his school where you wake up at like 6 in the morning to sell Crispy Cream Doughnuts to raise money. I went because my best friend who goes to his school asked me to go. It was always really awkward because I only knew like 6 or 7 people there, and all of Boyfriend's friends were there who I didn't know. He basically ignored me both times, except one time he called out my name and said, "Hi" from about 10 feet away in a crowd of people and I basically looked at him, raised my eyebrows and walked away. He actually went to the preschool I work at that day, and there was a big group of us in the computer lab just messing around. He goes on Facebook and writes on my wall, "stop being rude, say hi" or something like that. The two of us actually have a conversation about that for the next 15 or 20 minutes over Facebook, in the same room as eachother but never talking in person. Pretty weird, if you ask me.
Thoughts were rapidly increasing and stressing me out.
Does this mean he likes me? But, weren't we trying to be friends? What does this mean? Is he..what do you call it...playing me? Yeah, he must be playing me. Doing this to tons of other girls, right? Wait...does this mean we're "together" now? I don't understand...sigh.
Before we got to our seats in the theater, things were quite awkward. When things are awkward, I can't help but smiling and laughing at the situation. And I don't mean internally. The two of us were on the escalator going up to our floor, and I kept looking in the opposite direction of him while holding back little giggles. He would look at me and start smiling widely. I would start laughing and he was smiling a whole lot and even said, "Stop making me laugh!" when all he was doing was grinning from ear to ear.
While watching the movie, we talked constantly. I personally feel like the whole "Twilight Saga" is a little ridiculous and the only redeeming quality about the movie itself was the hot guys without shirts. I think the only reason he didn't mind seeing it was because he didn't care which movie we saw. We kept talking about the people in the movie and he always said "she's ugly" every time that Bella girl had a close-up of her face on the screen which was kind of funny. We had this cute thing going where I would be looking straight at the screen to watch the movie, but his head was turned facing mine for a good duration of the film. I kept asking, "Why are you looking at me?" feeling a little embarrassed but intrigued and excited at the same time. He half-jokingly kept saying that because I always said he ignored me and never even looked at me, he was definitely going to look at me now. I wondered if I had a zit somewhere on my face he could be inspecting at that very moment..
He always held out his hand and smiled at me. I took my hand and placed it on his and just like always; his fingers fit right in-between the space between my own. The weather was always cold so my hands were likewise. His hands were always warm, and he tried to warm up my own.
He was good at holding hands. I can't explain how, but he moved his thumb or something around the palm of my hand and it felt comforting. It sounds really weird when I describe it to people, but it's just a really nice thing that he did. He held my hand as if he didn't want to let go, and when he did let go, my hand felt cold again, just like when someone hugs you tight and then lets go and the shared warmth of two bodies huddled together disappears.
The way he held my hand was a nice gesture, a nice action. I do wonder where he learned it though. Did he do it with his last girlfriend? This is something I'll never know. Although, he stopped doing that special hand holding trick about 2 months into our relationship. I completely forgot about it until...well, right now. I guess he forgot about it too. At 2 months into our relationship he already had me, he didn't have to do sweet things like that anymore to try to win me over at that point I would guess.
But this comes later too. Let's get back to the pre-dating part of the relationship.
I always ended up being late to work, but I didn't care of course. I mean, realistically? It was either
a.) Wake up, walk to work by yourself, and be on time.
b.) Wake up and call a guy to wake him up, meet up that guy, walk to work with that guy while holding hands, and be 15 minutes late for work.
From that perspective, does a girl really have a choice?
Okay, that's being sexist. Does a girl like me, named That Girl really have a choice?
The thing was that, he wasn't the best looking guy ever. Sure, I called him Cutie and said he was cute all the time, but that was just me being flirty. All guys like to be called cute from what I've experienced. He was very, very pale most of the time (sometimes he was slightly tan and I thought it made him cuter) and a little bit chubby. Well. Not chubby, but big-boned? Maybe just built? Fit? Okay, not fit. He just had some meat on his bones, and a tiny bit of a stomach. I'd say he was built. I liked his size though, I've always been into guys who aren't skinny. His size was comforting, he was the type of guy who other guys would later joke to about to me things like, "Yes! You're the best for doing this favor for me. I would say I love you but I don't want Boyfriend to beat me up," and me and the guy would laugh about that. I found out later in our relationship that he works out at home by lifting 10 pound weights and during push-ups and sit-ups. Just thought I'd give you my physical description of him just so you'd know. He had these black glasses which he always wore (he's not a geeky/nerdy looking guy with glasses though), always the same pair of black Nikes, some jeans in a dark wash which I didn't like very much but never commented on, and a regular cool looking plain shirt in a normal color from Champs with a beater underneath. He called his beater a "tank" which I secretly have always thought is hilarious for some reason. I actually remember seeing him in a blue shirt on time while he was working in his parent's shop and I thought he looked really, really cute in it. On average, every girl who is a friend of mine who knew who he was, gave him a 4 out of 10. I have always given him a strict 5, except I gave him a 7 when I first saw him. Go figure. And anyway, I never really judged him on his looks. Oh yeah, and he always had a black North Face jacket on that he always tried to give to me to wear while we were dating and it was cold outside, though I always rejected the offer saying that he would be too cold if he let me wear his jacket. I succumbed a time or two though. But anyway. Let's get back to the topic.
So one day he walks me to work. The first time, we just say bye to eachother, though we text all day after that. The second day, I give him a longish bear hug hug before I go inside the preschool gates because he texted me day before something like "I didn't even get a hug =[" and I like hugs myself anyway.
The third day. Now this is where things get interesting. At this point I'm not surewhy he keeps walking me to work and holding my hand when we are not a couple.
Is he ever going to ask me out? He could be playing me...but he doesn't seem cute enough to be a player to be honest.
So cute. I thought.
Finally, he takes out his phone and says something like, "Wait a second...I'll do it this way."
I like yu. Wana go out wit me
I looked at it and grinned. He says, "You can think about it," all shyly. He's so not a player with that embarrassed little grin on his face. I hold up a finger and take out my own phone. As I type out the message he tries to sneak a look at what I'm typing. This situation is cute. (Oops, too much Jersey Shore I'm watching as I type this out. Mike The Situation is pretty interesting though.) I finish my message and hand him the phone to look at.
I like you too , sure
But truthfully? I didn't really like him. I mean, I didn't have a crush on him. It was more like a oh why not sort of thing. He was very endearing and pretty sweet so far, so I might as well. He looks at my message and give the phone back to me, smiling that endearing smile of his. We laughed a little and then I walk into Sky High. As we walk away he says, "I love you" quietly through the wooden gate separating us as he's walking past while I walk down the ramp leading into the building and I mumble incoherently, "I love you too" and grin like crazy while walking inside without looking back at him. He says, "Text me," and I do. We text the rest of the day.
Oh here's another cute thing. We had this thing the week before where he would always bring up 11:11 when we were talking and of course, I wouldn't tell him my wish and he wouldn't tell me his. We also had this thing where I "owe" him something, but I forgot why now that I think about it.
He texts me sometime the day after he asked me to go out with him:
After officially “going out" with Ex-Boyfriend, he always walked me to work on days when he asked me to call him in the morning to wake him up so I would have some rather nice company as we walked through 3 different neighborhoods; through a tunnel, past an Asian tapioca drink shop, and ending up at the front gate connecting to the bridge I had to walk over to get inside the community center (where I gave him a long hug and he wouldn’t walk away until I was over the bridge and out of site from the other side of the wooden gate. what can I say, the boy had my back). But the thing was, we could never hold a decent conversation. Well, it wasn't decent in my personal opinion. Okay, fine it was decent. But not more than decent. Which, for any relationship, should be a red light saying It so it not going to work out. But I ignored that red light because I sincerely just wanted it to work out. Whenever we texted or walked together (always hand-in-hand) one of us would say, "So bring up a topic," or "So, what do you wanna talk about?" which really is a big glowing red light flashing No. but I didn't care. It would always be us talking about random things, things I usually brought up. It was never awkward, we simply just did not have much in common including a radically different set of hobbies and music, and a differed sense of humor (this last one is important; I love it when I can sincerely laugh at a guy's joke and not have to force-laugh it in the name of flirting or pitying the bad joke). I never liked his laugh very much; think Patrick Star from Spongebob if you need a visual. Basically the only things we had in common to talk about at this point were:
a.) the friend who introduced us (but I'm not into talking about best friends behind their backs)
b.) the friend who introduced us' boyfriend (but how much do we really want to talk about our mutual friend's boyfriend??)
c.) people I worked with at the preschool (but he got jealous if I mentioned guys)
d.) him being bored while working at his mom's cafe (But he seemed to not like talking about his parent's store for some reason and one time he told me he was playing hide-and-go-seek with a bunch of his guy friends and one of his girl friends. Which made me a little uncomfortable to be frank.
So I always timidly mentioned other things we walked by like the senior citizens doing ta-kwon-doe at the park we pass by ("You should join them," I said in my quiet joking manner and he grinned. He said no, that I should. We agreed that we would take the class together with the graying old folk one day and we laughed a bit at that.) or flowers being sold by the little vendor downtown ("What kind of flowers do you like?" he asked me. I asked why and he said, "I don't know, we just passed by some flowers so yeah that's something to talk about and yeah I'm asking you what kind of flowers you like I guess." He had a habit of rambling on and on while explaining himself and tripping over his words. It was adorable. Beats any player pickup line. I said that I like all flowers really. I asked him what he would do if I got him flowers for our anniversary. He told me he was allergic to the pollen in flowers, "You wanna kill me?" he asked me cheekily.)
But the conversation didn't go very far. Sometimes I'd swing our hands back and forth in big motions and I'd laugh about how stupid that looked. He laughed along with me.
Shortly after going out with Ex-Boyfriend, my cell phone broke. This time I swear it wasn't even my fault! It just ran out of batteries and decided not to charge anymore.
So my phone ended up breaking. We talked every night on Facebook private messaging and talked about our day, and I usually called him in the morning to wake him up if he wanted to walk me to work that day. In the earliest stages of the relationship, we still went with the, "So bring up a topic," and "Ha, ha, I brought up the topic last time and now it's your turn!" while walking together, still having meaningless short conversations about old people, allergies, pollen, and other odd socks.
HA, that's a good one: other odd socks. I'm going to start saying "other odd socks" instead of "other things" or "etc." or "weird mishaps in chaotic situations not important enough to describe with details but important enough to sufficiently mention in an abbreviated manner," or other odd socks. Anyway.

I actually found this ^ above quote a while back, while I was feeling very much borderline with ExBoyfriend. I mean, I was really on the rocks whether or not I wanted to continue dating him seeing as how I was pretty dissatisfied in the relationship with us still not clicking in conversations. Good conversation is amust for me, even if it's just the two of us saying completely ridiculous things that make no sense whatsoever (like talking about what it would be like to grow up and become a slice of cheese, that would be delightful conversation) or having friendly arguments about something dumb like whether magenta is closer to pink or purple. I just need that mental stimulation, someone who makes me think and laugh like there's no tomorrow. This quote actually almost made me cry because I knew that this relationship was me forcing myself to try to make it work and that I was forcing myself to love what I had. Or rather, love is too strong of a word. Though he constantly said he loved me, and I said it back just because it just seemed like the correct thing to do. I mean, if I was a guy who always said I loved my girlfriend and she always just smiled and changed the subject, I would be pretty upset. So yeah, I would say that I was forcing myself to LIKE what I had, I was without a doubt not having what I liked.
My mission for the summer was to have my first boyfriend, but mostly to fall in love. Upon first thought, I would say that the mission was successful, but upon further thought? Was this a failure to launch? You might say that simply not having the best conversations isn't a good reason to write someone off. But that wasn't all I was unhappy with in the relationship.
Whenever we were around his friends, he didn't exactly ignore I could tell he was trying not to look "pussy-whipped" (refer to John Tucker Must Die). Like, he would hold my hand but then he wouldn't really pay that much attention to me. Kinda hard to explain. OH oh, okay there's one time when he completely avoided seeing me around his friends:
So he works at his parent's shop all the time. During the summer he pretty much worked all day and into the late hours of the night. It's this cafe that sells semi-expensive food there and he mostly just makes drinks for customers and watches TV while texting all day. Pretty much all his friends knew he worked there and so they (I think) often came over and played cards at an empty table there. It seemed as if he didn't care when they came by to hangout although he did care if I came over or if my best friend (who introduced the two of us) came over. To this day I can't figure out why he didn't like when I came over. Anyway.
So one day me, my best friend who introduced the two of us, and this other girl who I worked with (who always seemed a little prissy and stuck-up, though she also had a hint of "ghetto"ness in her personality for some reason) were hanging out downtown and since ExBoyfriend's cafe is in the neighborhood a couple blocks over, best friend thought of the clever idea to go visit ExBoyfriend in his shop. I was a little apprehensive about the idea though. Did I really want him to see me today? I wasn't having the best hair day. I didn't bring my little makeup compact with me for touching up the shine on my face during the middle of the day, my face is so damn shiny! He's going to think I'm sweating or something! Shit I'm wearing a skirt today; he's never seen me in a skirt! My legs look too skinny. And I couldn't find my razor to shave so I just wore black tights instead...Best Friend's legs look so much better than mine, she's not skinny as a stick with stubble on her legs covered by random sheer tights. Her legs are so freakin' tan! Damn it, and this other girl freakin' has donk! How can I compete with these 2? And his friends might be there..and they're gonna once-over me to see what their friend's girlfriend looks. Freakin' shit! I thought.
But anyway. So the three of us floral-skirt-wearing (okay, theirs were legit floral skirts--from Hollister nonetheless--, while mine was some random floral-esque skirt--from Nordstroms about 3 years ago when I was trying to figure out what cool clothes would verify as--I had to dig up in the back of my pile of no good clothes thrown on the floor in a "my clothes freakin' SUCK" rage) chickadees (Why do people refer to girls as "chickadees"? Are we hatching birds here?) went into ExBoyfriend's shop literally arm-in-arm (You know how close-knit groups of girls like to show off their friendship to the universe by linking arms and such? I always felt like it was too... "hey look at us, we're best friends forever times kabillion and you're just some loner kid. don't you wish you could be friends with us too and continuously giggle about stupid shit that cute guys say to us in the midst of their swagger to get enormous amounts of affection from girls with perky facial features and boobs?" You feel me G[oofy]? It's so stupid. Yet at the same time, I like being part of the stupidness, don't I? Hidden hypocrite in hiding? For sure.).
The first thing we see when we walk in is a table full of guys. It's a whole bunch of ExBoyfriend's cute friends sitting around a table and talking about whatever it is that they were talking about. They turn and look at us and I feel under pressure.Awh man, these guys are going to be checking me out to see how their friend's taste in girls is. If they think I'm ugly, they'll go and tell him that his girlfriend is ugly and that he can do better. If they think I'm attractive, they'll go douche-ily up to him and say things such as "Aye you got GAME.!" The Pressure...
I see ExBoyfriend behind the counter texting people or something. He looks at me and guess what he immediately does? No, just guess.
No, he didn't run up to me and give me one of those bear hugs that girls love getting.
Nope, that that either.
Uh uh, guess again.
Give up? Okay, I'll tell you.
He looks at the three of us, and with a glance at me, goes to the other side of the cafe where the stairs are; and he goes upstairs. Where there was a couch and TV I think.
Basically, he was avoiding seeing me. It was like I was dissed and dismissed. Or not. Just dismissed. And what-the-h-e-double-hockey-sticks kind of boyfriend quickly dismisses his girlfriend when she comes for a once in a lifetime surprise visit to him at his boring work? A jerk kind of boyfriend. That kind.
Us three girls just sat with his friends and played some cards. We played slapjack which I myself didn't play, I just watched cuz I didn't know how to play at the time. (ExBoyfriend tells me later on that I "better not have played" because slapjack was just an excuse to touch a girl's hand in the discreet coverup of an innocent card game. Of course, he said it in simpler terms and not my exaggerated for better-sounding-stories kind of way.) I felt so embarrassed. How did his friends think of me now that he was ignoring me like this? They said he was just shy. Lucky me.
I don't know why I felt so embarrassed, but it was probably just because I expected so much more out of him.
[This my friends... is good foreshadowing of our future together. Some foreshadowing I should have taken head of.]
Later he texted me that he was really mad at my best friend for bringing me there. The message went something like, "She fucking had to ___ (something stupid) and I fucking told her not to come around here and mess around. I'm fucking annoyed that she can't fucking listen to me ever. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at her," except that of course he used "yu" instead of "you" and "im" instead of "I'm" as well as taking out random vowels in words. I presume he determined vowels of unimportance in the structure of his words. Go figure. Pretty much his uncle came around the cafe and saw a bunch of high school kids sitting around a table and playing cards, which looks bad for business and so ExBoyfriend was reprimanded by (or as he says, "bitched at") his uncle.
I know, whatta crybaby.
Anyway, so she called him while the 4 of us were standing around talking at that preschool I work at. My best friend who's with us says, "Oh my god, it's her? Britney, take the phone and tell her Ex-Boyfriend has a girlfriend now!" Britney (the other girl who was standing around with us, who I have decided to name Britney) takes the phone, answers it and says, "Hey it's Britney, Ex-Boyfriend has a girlfriend now. He has a girlfriend now, okay?" And basically hangs up on her. I didn't know the history behind this girl calling Ex-Boyfriend on the phone and Ex-Boyfriend until later on. The fact that they still talked on the phone sometimes still while we were dating was always off-putting. Even though she had a boyfriend and I knew she wasn't interesting in dating Ex-Boyfriend, I never got over feeling like he still had lingering feelings towards her and was just waiting for her to be single again, and just dump me to go chase after her some more. She intimidated me constantly, yet unintentionally I believe, throughout the whole relationship. In some ways, I hate her for no good reason. I just wanted her to back the HELL off from flirting with him and leading him on all the time. Just right now, I feel upset thinking about her, although I'm not sure why.
But anyway. So Ex-Boyfriend takes his phone back, and like 10 seconds after he puts it in his pocket, another girl calls him. He picks up and starts talking to her. Right next to me. He hangs up and then the first girl calls him back. After this, I think another girl calls him. It just wouldn't stop. Basically, this whole thing really pissed me off.
How many fucking girls need to call you on a daily basis? But really? The whole thing made me very insecure. I didn't think I could compete with these girls whatsoever, and I didn't think I should have to try to keep my guy. He's my guy, so why the hell do I need to work to keep his attention away from these other more attractive, and probably nicer and more intelligent flirty girls? It's a very intimidating situation that made me insecure at that moment. I was mad at him, but mostly? I was feeling over my head, overwhelmed...confused and frazzled.
ANYway. So first there was the first time he kissed me on the cheek; this is also pretty darn adorable, so I'll start with this story first. Ahh time to reminisce in old memories...
We had been going out for about eh, 2 weeks I'd say. We were still just hugging and holding hands at this point.
One day he was walking me to work, same old thing we've been doing. Right when we get to the front gate of the community center, he looks to the side of me and says, "Hey what's that?" Me being quite the gullible and impractical girl I am, I looked to the direction he was looking at with his mouth slightly agape. Then all of a sudden he leans down and tries to kiss me on the cheek while my hair flips to the side as I'm turning my head. He must've had pretty bad timing, because he ended up kissing my hair that covered my cheek during my mid-head-turn. I kind of felt his lips on my cheek, but it was mostly just a kiss to my hair. It was pretty much one of those stupid "fail" moments (like those really immature pictures of a domestic house pet missing a Frisbee thrown it's way) but at the same time, it was pretty cute. Later I told ExBestFriend about this story and she pretty much just thought that he was a wimp for not just out-right kissing me on the cheek. But I thought it was kind of endearing that he was too shy to do the straight-up leaning down and awkwardly kissing me as I look at him and make an awkward and embarrassed facial expression with reddened cheeks from the first lip-to-face action between us. Nah, I didn't mind what he did. I do wonder how long he took to think of how to do this though. Obviously the thought of bad timing wasn't something he anticipated though. So I look at him and give him a big cheesy grin on my face and he has one on his. I giggle a little bit and mumble something like, "Okay, bye," and he says, "Bye," and I turn to walk across the ramp to get inside the building past the gate. I walk straight, glancing at him every couple seconds as he watches me walk away. I turn around once more to look at him and he smiles an embarrassed smile and says, "Text me," with a considerable amount of enthusiasm in his voice. I say that I will and walk straight without turning back at him any more.
Later that day he met me up at my lunch break and we bought a bag of chips and a soda together at the corner store. We had lunch in the park on a bench in the kid's playground with a view of basketball players beneath us. His arm was around me and I just ate my chips and talked although he kept insisting that I talked less and ate more. At one point I asked him, "Would you still like me if I was bald?" and he says, "You're so random sometimes." So I asked him again and he looked over my face a couple times pretending to imagine me bald. I forgot what his answer was, but I think he mentioned something about a wig.
I was an hour late coming back from my break that day. But it's okay. Cuz he gave me a piggyback ride down the playground steps to the center of the playground with people our age watching us. And it was worth it to be late.
Of course you're wondering less about the first kiss on the cheek and more on the first kiss on the lips. So I'll go and tell you about that.
It was an average day like any other. Alright, well it was the second time we had seen a movie together; the first time was when we had first help hands but weren't quite "going out" yet. (Btw, I always thought it was strange how people in the mid/late-90's used to say that they were "going together" rather than "going out." People in 20 years will probably ostracize people in these days for saying "hella," "cool," and "hurt." Aw well.) I knew that he wanted to gimme a kiss on the lips sometime soon since he hadn't had his first yet and of course every teenage boy wants to kiss their girlfriend. He texted me something about a kiss the day before or something, though it was just something brushing the topic of a kiss, nothing straightforward such as, "I am going to give you a kiss when we see a movie tomorrow. Okay just so you know." That would be a bit odd.
So we went to the theater together and before the movie started we went to buy tickets and food. This day was also the first day that I went on a double date because after we saw the first movie we met up my best friend and her boyfriend to do something together, which ended up being us all seeing a movie. Anyway.
So we're sitting outside the concession stand inside the theater on this little cushioned bench.
No, this isn't where the first kiss happens. I just thought of another cute thing I'd share.
So we're sitting on the cushioned seat with some nachos and a small Coke (which happens to be a HUGE cup of soda in actuality) and I ask him if he's hungry. He says, "No, you're so sweet I'm not hungry." Now, I'm not a pro at pickup lines, but I knew that that's not how that line's supposed to go. I look at him with a funny look on my face and start laughing saying wait, what?! and he starts laughing at himself too. He starts doing that adorable rambling thing where he tries to find the right words to say. "Oh, no I's it supposed to go? Oh yeah, you're so sweet.. no, uh. Oh yeah! You're so sweet that when I'm with you I'm full, you know? Like I don't need anything else." I look at him and smile. It wasn't very smooth for wooing a girl, but it was so damn cute. He was trying to impress me with suave words and moves, but he was such a darn... NOOB3.14! at spitting game that I just thought it was cute. The effort he put into trying to compliment me was 10 times better than the compliment itself. It was cute.
So eventually we got up from our bench we had been sitting on and went to the arcade to pass time until the movie was showing . We played a game of air hockey for fun and I must say that I'm quite a champ at the game; I beat him easily. After I was crowned the champ (he used the excuse that his phone was ringing so he got distracted) we went inside the theater even though the movie hadn't started yet and we were just watching those repetitive Pepsi, Coke, and Jeep commercials with white people having parties at their families' houses and getting into sticky situations as the given product comes to be the comical solution. I know it sounds boring to watch commercials, but I was sort of enjoying it because the two of us kept cheekily commenting on each commercial and because the whole experience of a first date with your (first!) boyfriend in a dark movie theater is kind of an exhilarating feeling.

(source: ayyyesonny, via cheraustria)
(that girl): even worse when it's your boyfriend and the girl who enjoys leading him on is 2 feet away from your face
At this point in the relationship, he's been acting cold and not nice anymore.
Again...I started this post a year ago and so I can't quite remember what what my thoughts were at this point in time, but BASICALLY, we were never seeing eachother; but still saying the overused and senseless phrases of "good night , love you" & "bye, I love you".
This is what I wrote:
Even though I barely feel sadness when thinking of you, when I'm around the people an places that remind me of you, I feel an instant wave of unhappiness and uneasiness spread throughout me. My mouth decides to contract it's muscles in a downwards direction with me forcing them back up into the wide grin I wear oh very well and oftenly. I'll never be able to forget you, and I know that. I know that we were never meant to be in the first place, and I accept that. If you asked me out again I would say no. No because I still have some pride in me that says not to stoop down lower than you deserve and you can get a guy who doesn't treat you like a crappy lust object of his affection. But truthfully now? If you asked me out again, I might say yes. I might say yes because through the fake nonchalant ways I present myself in situations when your name is brought up in conversation, I wish that you'd like me again. Make it work out somehow. It's not even your body I'm attracted to, nor is it your off putting personality with defects all over the place. Maybe it's just the guilt? The guilt of "it" with the completely wrong person. That's it. I feel guilty about doing such a thoughtless and what's portrayed as a shameful thing to do. I would give practically anything to take back that day. And I mean that. I know that the only way I would no long feel guilty about what I have done would be to get back together with you. After thinking it over the past month without you, I have come to the correct, yet unappealing reason for my sadness when at places or with people who remind me of you; I just feel like a guilty, stupid little girl who can never make morally upright, just plain GOOD decisions on her own. Who has too bad of a judgment to know what's the correct thing to do. I had no guidance but myself and made a mistake I will probably regret the rest of my life. And it makes me sad. Unless we get back together that is. Then the shame and guilt and true regret will be lifted up out of me. That's the reason I would say yes to you. That's the only reason I can't get over you.
I know every girl is supposed to come to have that all-knowing epiphany every time she goes through a heart-wrenching, oh yeah, gut-busting(alright, maybe not gut-busting, that sounds quite painful) break-up. I talked myself into having that epiphany about 5 times before I really got over Ex-Boyfriend.
It felt like I was going to be PMSing indefinitely for some period of time. I would be all like, "YEAH, you know WHAT? I AM better off without him! I can DO BETTER!!!" and then hear a song that reminded me of him, wish he would be waiting at my front door steps when I got home late, and then I would go into a little depression and literally feel like I needed large quantities of chocolate to feel better. If you want to know the truth, I didn't get over him in a week like I told my best friend. I didn't get over him in a month like I told ExBestFriendForever. I didn't get over him in 2 months like I told LightBrightBarney. It took me 3/4 months. And it's only just about 5 days ago that I can legitly say that I wouldn't want to be with him again and really mean it. I don't want to make him jealous anymore. I feel no need to check his Facebook page and have my heart leap with nervousness to see if he's moved on and already started chatting up a new girl. I can actually look back at the whole experience and smile.
I can't believe it's been half a year since I met him. Summer to winter and I'm finally finishing up this post before it all just becomes a foggy memory in the back of my head, too hard to bring details and quotes from by then. I wish I had that fountain of memories thing that Dumbledore (spelling?) had in Harry Potter where he uses his wand to extract important details, events, and memories from his wizardly head into that blue, glowing pool of icky looking memories. I need one of those.
To wrap up this post FORREAL this time, here are ways to tell you are actually over your ex:
o You can hear a song you used to play from your iPod/computer while the two of you talked on the phone for hours at a time... without even thinking of him.
o You find that ugly stuffed animal monkey couple- you know, the one with hearts all over it... the one he won for you in Vegas on vacation while he texted you every 5 minutes because he couldn't get you off his mind. yeah that one-in your closet when cleaning your room and you feel strangely at ease knowing that it doesn't make you sad to see it anymore. (You know, varying on your situation. And, bonus points if you feel stupid for being how sad you were the night of the breakup when you thrashed about your room, stuffing the monkey he gave you deep into the inner cadavers of your messy closet. Because now you know he wasn't worth it.)
o Your ex is no longer your first thought in the morning nor the last person you think of when you go to bed, hell you barely ever think of them throughout the day; or you don't think of them at all anymore.
o You seriously don't want to be in a relationship with them anymore or ever again.
o You have no desire to make this person jealous.
o You actually don't care whatever it is they're doing right now, without you.
o You have a crush on someone else.
o Your heart doesn't leap and do somersaults around your lower intestine when someone brings their name into conversation, no more butterflies up in that stomach!
o You throughly comprehend (without sadness) what Dr. Seuss meant when he said,
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
Rebound Boy & The Legacy of a Player.
if he misses you, he’ll call just to hear your voice. if he wants you, he’ll say it. and if he cares, he’ll show it. if he has a thought about you, it will come out of his mouth. if you are on his mind non stop, he will do anything he can just to see you. if he truly likes you, he won’t let anything get in the way and fight back just to keep you in his arms. if not, he’s not worth your time because you’re obviously not worth his.
If you like someone you should go tell them. Instead of just sitting there waiting and thinking that something will happen. Go and do something about it. Who knows if you tell that person that you like then maybe something will happen. So go and get the guts to tell. I know its pretty hard to tell someone you like them but you should get the guts to tell the one you like.
i wish i could build up the courage to .
yeah, whatever.
So Fucking True
- at first you would text me “Goodnight :]”
- it then turned into “Goodnight! :D”
- soon, it became “Goodnight (insert name)<3”
- and sure enough, it turned into your voice saying “Goodnight babe! I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
- Then, soon, it turned into your voice saying “Gnight.”
- and then it went back to texts, saying “Goodnight”
- and finally, it made its way to “Night.”
- And now, you don’t even say anything to me anymore.
By the time it’s Valentine’s day
Imma be still single…
I guess at least once in your life someone walks in && gets into your heart, then they leave && all your left with is the huge gap && memories. Eventually it'll scar over, the pain will numb && fade away to the back of your mind, the memories will fade && lose their color, but it never goes away. No amount of stitches or words will ever heal it completely either.
No calls, no texts, nothing… but I’m still here thinking about you like crazy.
girl: your new girlfriend is pretty. (i bet she stole your heart)boy: yeah, she is. (but you’re still the most beautiful girl i know)girl: i heard she’s funny & amazing. (all the stuff i wasn’t)boy: she sure is. (but she’s nothing compared to you)girl: i bet you know everything about her by now (like how you knew just about everything about me)boy: only the stuff that count (i can’t even remember the stuff she tells me when i think of you)girl: well, I hope you guys last. (because we never did)boy: i hope we do too. (whatever happened to me & you?)girl: well i got to go. (before i start to cry)boy: yeah me too. (i hope you don’t cry)girl: bye. (i still love you)boy: later. (i never stopped)
Why do I even wait for you…
Why do I even bother to expect a call from you, expect a message from you, expect anything from you. Even when I know in the back of my mind that you aren’t, I still constantly check my phone for your calls and text, and I even check my tumblr and look at the messages to see if maybe just maybe you thought about leaving me something there. All I do is disappoint myself, sometimes I walk away from my phone leaving it for an hour or two feeling big and bad like a boss not giving two fucks but then after all that I run to my phone with a smile on my face with that deceiving feeling of knowing that you either called or texted, only just to find myself with a frown and a reason to keep my head down. It’s almost like I have my back turned walking the opposite direction from you, but my little big heart pulls my shirt trying to stop me and tell me that I’m not doing the right thing. I don’t really know what I’m doing from this point on, I’m kind of incomplete without you.
I miss you, please tell me if you do too…
Jill + Cory :: Just The Way You Are from KAI MEDIA on Vimeo.
I don’t want you to know that everything you say, or do effects me more than it should. Every time I show someone how much I care, they take advantage of it or they use it against me. It’s easier for me to front like you don’t matter to me at all. At least that way I can hide the fact you’re hurting me.
- STAGE 1:1-3 months = The Honeymoon Stage:
Everything seems perfect, both are happy and feeling “in love”. You share moments, dates, and just having fun with each other, sharing laughs and giggles. It’s like nothing could stop you. Your feelings are infinite, and for once you’re thinking ” This may work out.. ” and seems like nothing could go wrong. You spend hours getting ready before going out with this person.
- *If your relationship ended in this stage- Most likely, both rushed into the relationship to fast. Being together was all too sudden and just for the moment. When one starts noticing the flaws, one gets a choice to move foward, or back away. Being friends has a high percentage of working out, but nothing to stress over. Both maybe just need the time to know one another more.
- STAGE 2:4-6 months= The Bumpy Road:
Things are going okay now. The relationship is calm and settled; both are still mostly happy. Had a couple arguments and disagreements here and there, nothing huge. Start to notice some of each other’s flaws and aspects of their personality not seen before, but still truely care for one another.
- *If your relationship ended in this stage- You truly cared about this person. You had the energy to fight for this person, yet, you feel as if something was lacking, something was missing , it doesn’t feel right, one isn’t happy. When one isn’t happy, one tends to walk away to seek their new happiness. Being friends is still a possibility.
- STAGE 3:7-12 months = The Rocky Mountain:
You start to realize who your partner really is. A few more arguements may occur. Problems with jealously. Over protectiveness may rise. Other people may come in the picture. The “in love” momments start to decrease, but you feel as if, you’ve “fallin in love”. You tend to have this energy inside to strive and “make it work”, you feel more comfortable being around this person, feeling more of yourself.
- *If your relationship ends in this stage- You feel as if you’re hurt- depending on the circumstance. You were so sure that that person was “the one”. You were so SURE that he/she was different. But like a cancer, a problem that may have happened; a small issue, grew into something larger that took over what was made between two people. You still miss this person from time to time. You still remember the memories. Being friends may be difficult right away, but over time, you slowly mature up, and learn the reality of it.
- STAGE 4: 1 year or more = The Long Road:
- 1 2 3 4 5 years huh ? This person truly means something to you. You are “in love” with this person . He/She made a difference in your life. No one else knows you more than this person. You guys have been through the good, the bad, the ugly, and still strive to make it last.
- If your relationship ends at this stage - You feel heart broken; it’s tough. You can’t sleep, can’t eat, you miss him/her, you try to move on, you try meeting new people , but seems like nothing works. For whatever reason for the split, it must’ve been something important, or something must have been so wrong that it took over. Being “just friends” is impossible, because if you tried to be friends, you can’t think of them in any other way besides the one you once “loved” .
I wish I could go back to where things were great and happy. I’m telling this to all those guys out there. Cherish every moment when you’re with your girl and make the best of it. I’ve ruined my chances and really messed up.. and deep down I truly think girls should be treated more fairly. Right now I do have that feeling of wanting and missing my girl again, always cuddling with her and looking at her.. Whatever you do always make her happy no matter what. She looks to you when she wants to be taken care of. She’s sensitive and having her heart broken shouldn’t make you feel any better. Commitment is commitment no matter whether its a relationship or marriage. Treat your girl right.
(via xpotatoboi)
“In order to move on, you must understand why you felt what you did and why you no longer need to feel it.”
— The Five People You Meet in Heaven
I want you to fall for me so hard,
that you become scared to lose me. I want you to dwell in my existence; where a day without me would feel incomplete. I want you to fall as hard for me, as I’ll fall for you. I want you to remember me always, and I want you to chase after me when I push you away. I want you to pull me back when I’m trying to leave. I want to feel the reflexes of my own words. I want you to keep me grounded when I’ve done wrong. I want you to be relentless.
I don’t want any constrictions in my chest, but the bones that shapes our interest. I want you to fall so hard for me, that you realize you’ve never even felt this way about someone before.
And if I left, I would want every thing we ever shared to make you remember me. I want all the things we did, said, and never got to; to make you remember me by. I want to know you’ll fall so hard for me that if a song we shared came up on the radio; it would make you have this sudden sharp pain in your chest. And in those fleeting seconds, I hope you know how much you fell in love with me and how you can’t live without me. I hope then, you’ll come chasing after me.
It’s selfish I know, but I want to be the only girl you have your eyes on. I want to be the only girl you actually fell for. I actually want to be the girl you end up with. I want to know you’ll fight for me.
[I reblogged some of these wordy posts from:
because that girl is ah-mazing. She writes so good that I feel like my own compared to hers is just juvenile and I can't help seeing me as a person lacking integrity as well as moral up-righteousness when I think about what she posts. Her writing is art while mine is just a teenage girl going off on a tangent. Then again, that's true cuz her blog is not like mine as mine is a Diary more-or-less, while Tumblr in itself is more of a diary that talks back to you. Anyways, I could probably just repost three-fourths of her blog if I had the time, but instead I will insist that you take a look at it yourself and follow her. I would follow her if I had a Tumblr account myself. And by the way, nope I don't know her; I just respect her writing abilities and character as a person immensely. I mostly write for fun and to relieve stress, but that girl is seriously a great writer.]
This is a picture of my grandparents. They’ve been together for a really long time now that I can’t even keep count. They’ve shown me what love really is and how long it’s supposed to last. 2 weeks ago my Lolo (grandpa) passed away. My aunt told me my Lola (grandma) said if anything were to happen to my Lolo she’d want to go and be with him no matter what. My Lola had a stroke during my Lolo’s viewing and died in a comma yesterday…
This may seem like a sad story, and it is. But in a sense, it proves that their love is more than “til death do we part”.
True love? I think so. <3
So touching :’)
You know why it’s better to date a girl with a flat chest instead of big tits?
because when you hug her, you’ll be closer to her heart<3
The person who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, and how hard you are to handle. But, still wants you in his life.
I always wanted to sneak out and go with someone for like an entire night up until the sun comes out and sneak back in. Just for some mini adventures or just for some fresh air out. I mean I can, but being a teenager even the slight feeling of rebellion feels good. I don’t mean like doing horrible ridiculous things.
Just as a hopeless romantic, the idea of some guy coming to your house and aiding you to sneak you out. It’s a cute thought if it leads to innocent actions like just star-gazing or going to a drive-in movie theater.
When you leaned in & your lips finally met mine again.
Felt like our first kiss all over again, the same excitement, with the feeling of my heart beating right off my chest. I really really like you. Like damn. I don’t even know why! But as long as you’re still mine, I don’t care for the reason. I like the way you’re willing to change your small ways for me, & you do listen to how I feel. Like when I’m sad & hurt, you find your ways to fixing it. I don’t know. I’m trying to not fall too hard, but somehow you’re making this hard for me.
I’m a female,
and being amongst females. We are bitches. We are indecisive. We do contradict. We do break hearts. So saying guys are all to blame. No. You have your fair share of being at fault.
You’re flirting with other girls?
That’s not even cool. I don’t care if we’re not in a relationship. That bugs me.
If you want to pursue me, you’re taking 1000 steps away from that by doing exactly that. I’m not an option.
Self-Inflicted Nostalgia
Have you ever had those nights where you’re laying in bed, tossing and turning, and suddenly you reach out for your phone. Then you start scrolling through all those cute texts, that you had with certain people and potential lovers? or even ones that sends a piercing pang to your heart.
It fills you with this pressuring weight that maybe you should send a text; get in touch again just to acquire some information on how they’re doing currently. But somehow you end up not having the guts to even say a word, so you go back and forth with yourself. Creating messages and erasing them.
So you end up reminiscing on past conversations and memories you held with this person when you did talked. Going through the inbox history or photos you find laying around, trying to figure out where everything went wrong and just—restraining yourself from pressing send.
… cool boys and their friends
… cool girls and their friends
… you and your friends
- you might not respond, making me… look like a fool.
- you might see it, and play hard to get, i don’t like being played.
- you might get used to me hitting you up first, so you expect me to do all the work. not going to work that way.
- a slight chance you won’t receive it, resulting in no response, making me look like a fool, once again.
- i might think you didn’t receive the text, so i send it again, making me look like adesperate fool.
Sea otters hold hands when they sleep, so they don’t drift away from each other.
Every night, someone falls asleep thinking about you.
They toss and turn all night because they hate the fact that the pillow they’re hugging isn’t you. They want to be with you right this second, but you’re clueless about the whole situation. Playing these little scenarios in their head hoping that it will actually happen the next time they see you. That sweet voice of yours is the only thing they wish to fall asleep to but they have this mindset that you’re too good for them. Your smile is craved into their memory and they see it every time they shut their eyes, trying to go to sleep. Then they quickly open it again in hopes that you will be by their side this time. And the only thing they want to know is if you’re thinking about them too.
I wish I trusted you. I wish I didn't question you. You were a good person and I... I feel like I was out to find out what was wrong with you. Prove myself right that this person who cares about me so much MUST have some kind of incredible fault, this person is just GOING to hurt me. I convinced that I had to question everything until I found it. But there wasn't anything to find.
I knew you weren't cheating on me, that's not what I was questioning. I'm not even sure what it was I was questioning. They say you can't have a relationship without trust, I didn't even KNOW I had I had a trust problem until now. I guess that's what happens when your trust is broken so many times. I'm sorry. It wasn't you; it was all on me.
I wish I could have trusted you... but I just couldn't. I couldn't do it.
And you couldn't wait for me to discover that there was nothing bad to discover. Time to learn from our mistakes. What's done is done.
It’s not that I’m not over you,
it’s just whenever someone mentions your name, all the memories I had of you come back to me.
ALRIGHTY. Now I'll tell you a little secret. Everything gets better. I was heartbroken beyond belief writing the majority of this post. And it's been over a year now. Not only do I no longer have feeling for him, I'm embarrassed I wasted my time on this guy. I've met guys this year who are so much better, inside and out! I managed to get on talking terms with Ex-Boyfriend and realized how much I don't need him. I have yet to get a new boyfriend, but I've met amazing people and I know the future from here on is only going to get better.
Any heartbroken readers who managed to read all of this...
I thank you for your time and I promise you that everything will end up better than "okay". Do schoolwork, spend time with your friends and family you've been neglecting, live life like the imitation sugar: splendid.